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Atsara | Atchara (Pickled Green Papaya) Recipe

Atchara a.k.a. Pickled Papaya









Estimated cooking time including preparation: 45 minutes









Atsara Ingredients:


  • 4 cups grated green papaya

  • 1 tablespoon of rock salt

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1 1/2 cups vinegar

  • 2 carrots, finely sliced

  • 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

  • 1/2 big onion, sliced or 2-3 small whole onions

  • 1 small yellow ginger, sliced finely

  • 1/2 green pepper, sliced into strips

  • 1/2 red pepper, sliced into strips

  • 1 teasppon of pepper corns

  • Sterilized glass jar/s


Instructions Making Pickled Papaya :


  • With clean bare hands (or with gloves), mush the grated green papaya in salt for a few minutes.

  • Let grated papaya soak in water for  one hour

  • Place in cheese cloth (any clean piece of cloth will do) and squeeze all the juice out.

  • Loosen out the squeezed papaya.

  • In a casserole, bring vinegar to a boil then add sugar, rock salt and pepper corns. Simmer for two minutes.

  • While simmering, add all the other ingredients: carrots, garlic, onion, ginger, green & red peppers and pepper corns. Boil for another minute and let cool.

  • When syrup is at room temperature, add the grated green papaya.

  • Place in glass jars, refrigerate and let the grated papaya soak in syrup for a day or two before serving.


Atsara Cooking Tips:


  • Clean & sterilized jars are important to preserve the atsara longer. An unsterilized jar can hasten bacterial & fungi growth and may spoil the Atsara quickly (instead of several weeks).

  • An easy way to sterilize is to boil the glass in a pot or pan of boiling water for 10 minutes. Place upright with the lid facing up & carefully remove with a thong without touching.


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Atchara is a traditional Filipino condiment made from pickled green papaya. It often includes carrots, bell peppers, and sometimes raisins, giving it a crisp texture and a sweet and tangy flavor. This relish is commonly served alongside grilled or fried foods, as it provides a refreshing contrast to the richness of the meats.


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